Friday 2 May 2008

2-5-2008 Friday

Thank God Its Friday!

Whee. So finally ended the course today. Lessons ended at around 3.30pm? So that was kinda early. So i cycled down to Subway which was around a 10 minutes ride from my place. And got dinner. The bread wasn't ready yet. So i got a wrap instead. It costs 3.20pounds. haha. Going broke soon.

Anyways i hope i'll be able to meet my group mates from the course again next time. Though I don't think it'll be possible to see all of them again cause we're all in different departments.

Rushed home cause i thought i could catch some people online before it got too late. But when i got home, the internet connection was no good. Couldn't connect at all. So i called the land lord and finally he came over and reset-ed the modem in the house next door. And it worked.

Anyways I realised i really can't live without the internet. Its the 02 in my air.

Here's a picture of my class and a design drawing of my Jet Turbine. Cool eh?

The class pic and design pic has been removed by me. haha. In case anyone may complain about revealing company secrets.

Welcoming a lonely weekend.

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