Sunday 27 April 2008

Sunday 27-04-2008

London Time: 1.50pm

Whoo I've officially moved in to my new apartment. And i got a bicycle as well. But i've gotta return it to the land lord, Giuseppe after 4 months. And he's charging me 30 pounds for the rent. I guess thats cheaper than spending the money on transport.

Well when i got here it appears that there were already people in the house. So i was guessing that my roomate was at home. And indeed he was. Well i finally met him. And what can i say. He's a really gentle guy? Not those big burly 26-27 year old guy. And his Italian. So yep.

But cuurently, his girlfriend is staying with him in his room up stairs and on my level another female friend of his is staying there as well. So yep.

Well not really in to the mood of blogging much today. But I'll upload pictures of the new place once i've taken the pictures ya?

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